's Christmas! What a glorious time of the year! Seeing people you rarely get to see. Baking goodies for the neighbors (while making a T-total mess and eating a few too many yourself...or maybe that's just me?). Wrapping presents and making home-made bows. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! SHOPPING for gifts = my favorite thing to do! know there's got to be a but. But,in doing all of this, it's easy to get distracted. Of course from the real meaning of Christmas, which is the celebration that our one and only savior was born. But, we all know that. I'm talking about getting distracted from people.
I used to get a little mad at Jesus when I read Luke 10: 38 - 42. He and his disciples were passing through a town (probably with dirty, smelly feet) when a sweet, hospitable (probably Southern :) ) woman named Martha opened her home to them. Martha got busy cooking (probably choc chip cookies) and cleaning for them. Yet Jesus scolded her! This used to just get my goat. I mean, how ungrateful! Here's this stranger opening up her home to Jesus and his homeboys, cooking for them, and doing it all by herself! Martha's sister, Mary, isn't even helping! Mary's hanging out with the guys in the den, just chewin the fat! The nerve! And when Martha mentions this to Jesus, 'hello! tell my sister to get her behind in the kitchen and help me,' Jesus scolds her and says Mary has chosen what is best. Huh?! For years when I read this story, I thought, 'yeah, sure, until it's supper time and they're hungry!'
But it finally clicked. (Thanks God for your patience with this thick-headed daughter of yours.) It's all about the people. It's about relationships. The whole reason we were put on this earth is to fellowship with our Father. To serve Him and others, yes. But, if you have a house full of company over and you do nothing but cook/clean/prepare the whole time they're there...well, you're neglecting the reason they're there. To fellowship. Hang out! Shoot the breeze. Chew the fat.
What Martha was doing wasn't bad! She had a servant's heart, which can be great! But Jesus was trying to tell us that spending the time to actually get to know others is more important. Show people you care by putting them first. Get to know their hearts. Be there.
So, my goal this Christmas and from now on: be a Mary.
(And let someone else do the dishes.)
:) Relax, just kidding! But, seriously, they'll still be in the sink when the company leaves.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
This one is for you, Anna Leigh!
So there's something I did this summer that I doubt I'll ever be able to forget...especially as I'm reminded of it constantly.
It all came flooding back when I came home from China, and was working at the high school. The principal kept introducing me as 'the girl who made Jennifer Anniston cry.' Every time he said it, I thought to myself, 'this man is losing his marbles! What on earth is he talking about?' And I wracked my brain to see if I'd somehow forgotten meeting one of the most beautiful women on the planet.
Then it clicked. He meant Jennifer Lopez.
And then it clicked again. A certain someone will pay for this! :) She had come home from China and told everybody about the joke I was FORCED to tell...on the microphone, at the very front of a packed tour bus, full of people chanting my name to tell this dern joke.
"So Brad Pitt, the Rock, and Jennifer Lopez were chatting at a table one day. Brad Pitt says, 'I'm definitely the best-looking man on the planet. No one can deny that!' Then the Rock says, 'Well, no one can contest that I'm the strongest, most muscular person on earth.' And Jennifer Lopez chimes in, 'Everyone knows I'm the most gorgeous woman alive!' So, to prove their points, they all go out into the world to make sure they're each the best. Brad Pitt comes back into the room smiling, waving, 'it's certain! I'M the best looking man on the planet!' Then the Rock comes in flexing his muscles and a big grin, 'No one is stronger than me! That's right, folks, I'm the strongest person on earth!' Then, Jennifer Lopez comes in. Tears streaming down her face, she bitterly shouts, 'WHO THE HECK IS LINDSAY TYNER?!'
So, yes, THIS is the joke I was forced to tell to a big group of people who now probably think I'm crazy. And now, everywhere I go, people are coming up to me and repeating it. Some don't even get it. (If you're one of those...shhh, no one has to know.) And a certain someone should be sleeping with one mascara'd eye open because she is still going to pay for this!
It all came flooding back when I came home from China, and was working at the high school. The principal kept introducing me as 'the girl who made Jennifer Anniston cry.' Every time he said it, I thought to myself, 'this man is losing his marbles! What on earth is he talking about?' And I wracked my brain to see if I'd somehow forgotten meeting one of the most beautiful women on the planet.
Then it clicked. He meant Jennifer Lopez.
And then it clicked again. A certain someone will pay for this! :) She had come home from China and told everybody about the joke I was FORCED to tell...on the microphone, at the very front of a packed tour bus, full of people chanting my name to tell this dern joke.
"So Brad Pitt, the Rock, and Jennifer Lopez were chatting at a table one day. Brad Pitt says, 'I'm definitely the best-looking man on the planet. No one can deny that!' Then the Rock says, 'Well, no one can contest that I'm the strongest, most muscular person on earth.' And Jennifer Lopez chimes in, 'Everyone knows I'm the most gorgeous woman alive!' So, to prove their points, they all go out into the world to make sure they're each the best. Brad Pitt comes back into the room smiling, waving, 'it's certain! I'M the best looking man on the planet!' Then the Rock comes in flexing his muscles and a big grin, 'No one is stronger than me! That's right, folks, I'm the strongest person on earth!' Then, Jennifer Lopez comes in. Tears streaming down her face, she bitterly shouts, 'WHO THE HECK IS LINDSAY TYNER?!'
So, yes, THIS is the joke I was forced to tell to a big group of people who now probably think I'm crazy. And now, everywhere I go, people are coming up to me and repeating it. Some don't even get it. (If you're one of those...shhh, no one has to know.) And a certain someone should be sleeping with one mascara'd eye open because she is still going to pay for this!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How much has changed in a year!
So this Thanksgiving is shaping up to be very different than last year's. This time last year, I was at my apartment in Florence by myself, getting ready to turn a story on Thanksgiving, while my family was all together elsewhere. I actually didn't mind working that day, I got to do a 'feel good' story about helping the hungry on Thanksgiving. But, last year, having to work all the holidays, I realized one thing: being with my family is the most important thing to me. I love it. I mean, I eat it up! How could I not? Have you met these people?
There's my Dad. He can wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes and he can be quite harsh. But, he works so hard all the time to provide for his family. He can't stand it when we're sick or in pain, and he loves to help us with anything.
There's Momma. If you've met her, you know why I love her. She's selfless. She's a role model.
There's my big sis. Not only is she beautiful, but she's intelligent and funny. And she roots for the underdog (big plus if you ask me), she's compassionate, persistent. God has given us a special bond that I'm so grateful for.
Oh, lordy. My extended family. I've often thought God must've favored me a little, because why else would he surround me with the most wonderful people on planet earth? Seriously! He gave me Robyn. She's more than a best friend, she's a sister. He gave me my crazy, smart, lovable, beautiful, fun cousins in Alabama! He surrounded me with the good-hearted, good-looking, Christian role models, loyal, fight-for-you, always-be-there-if-you-need-them Zorns and Renews in South Carolina. Whew! See what I mean? I think God kinda likes me...a lot.
So, as I sit here in Canada, thinking about how much has changed since this tine last year, I realize this holiday is about more than tryptophan, expanding tummies, and turkey. It's about enjoying time together and giving THANKS to The one who deserves it more than one day a year.
There's my Dad. He can wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes and he can be quite harsh. But, he works so hard all the time to provide for his family. He can't stand it when we're sick or in pain, and he loves to help us with anything.
There's Momma. If you've met her, you know why I love her. She's selfless. She's a role model.
There's my big sis. Not only is she beautiful, but she's intelligent and funny. And she roots for the underdog (big plus if you ask me), she's compassionate, persistent. God has given us a special bond that I'm so grateful for.
Oh, lordy. My extended family. I've often thought God must've favored me a little, because why else would he surround me with the most wonderful people on planet earth? Seriously! He gave me Robyn. She's more than a best friend, she's a sister. He gave me my crazy, smart, lovable, beautiful, fun cousins in Alabama! He surrounded me with the good-hearted, good-looking, Christian role models, loyal, fight-for-you, always-be-there-if-you-need-them Zorns and Renews in South Carolina. Whew! See what I mean? I think God kinda likes me...a lot.
So, as I sit here in Canada, thinking about how much has changed since this tine last year, I realize this holiday is about more than tryptophan, expanding tummies, and turkey. It's about enjoying time together and giving THANKS to The one who deserves it more than one day a year.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What Goes Around Comes Around...Or Does it?
I'm listening to one of my current fav songs: Josh Hoge, 360. My bff Tori took me to see him when he was in Columbia a while back, and I fell in love with this song. He sings about being hurt by a girl but says that he's not worried about it because 'what goes around, comes around.' Karma. Such a popular word right now. It's something I never thought about until recently, but with so many people claiming karma all the time, I asked myself if it's something I believe in.
Nope. I kinda wish I did. It'd be nice to believe that when someone does you wrong, good ole karma would come around and whop em for you.
I do believe you reap what you sow. Sometimes that can look like karma. You make a foolish decision, you suffer consequences. You do something good, you feel great about it, or someone repays the favor. I know though, that Satan twists the truths of biblical principles just enough so that they're still believable, but still dangerous to those who live by them. I think this is the case with karma...may not be obviously 'dangerous,' but it is if it makes you forget about grace and mercy.
These are the two glorious reasons I don't believe in karma. Because THANK GOD we don't all get what we deserve, every time we deserve it! God grants us mercy, and with-holds some of the terrible consequences of things we get ourselves into. He mercifully let His only son die for the things that we would do wrong, so that He could forgive us.
And grace! It blows my mind that even when we are faithless to Him, he remains faithful. He shows us kindness and compassion when time and time again we turn from Him, ignore Him, disobey Him. Sometimes we get what we deserve, but very often, God gives us great things we will never deserve.
So Josh Hoge and I may not see eye to eye on the whole karma thing...but the boy sure can sing! Oh, and while we're on the topic of some great songs, ya'll listen to 'My Happiness,' by PowderFinger. It's an awesome song by an Australian band.
Nope. I kinda wish I did. It'd be nice to believe that when someone does you wrong, good ole karma would come around and whop em for you.
I do believe you reap what you sow. Sometimes that can look like karma. You make a foolish decision, you suffer consequences. You do something good, you feel great about it, or someone repays the favor. I know though, that Satan twists the truths of biblical principles just enough so that they're still believable, but still dangerous to those who live by them. I think this is the case with karma...may not be obviously 'dangerous,' but it is if it makes you forget about grace and mercy.
These are the two glorious reasons I don't believe in karma. Because THANK GOD we don't all get what we deserve, every time we deserve it! God grants us mercy, and with-holds some of the terrible consequences of things we get ourselves into. He mercifully let His only son die for the things that we would do wrong, so that He could forgive us.
And grace! It blows my mind that even when we are faithless to Him, he remains faithful. He shows us kindness and compassion when time and time again we turn from Him, ignore Him, disobey Him. Sometimes we get what we deserve, but very often, God gives us great things we will never deserve.
So Josh Hoge and I may not see eye to eye on the whole karma thing...but the boy sure can sing! Oh, and while we're on the topic of some great songs, ya'll listen to 'My Happiness,' by PowderFinger. It's an awesome song by an Australian band.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Stayin Up Late...11pm?
Seriously? I'm only 25 folks. I'm still a spring chicken, right? Could someone please inform my internal clock of this before it's too late and I have no social life? It's 11:15pm on a SATURDAY night and this gal is ready for bed! And actually very glad not to be at a college football game in the cold. (I mean, I lived for that stuff EVERY Saturday in college!)
To my defense, I did get up at 5:30 for our yard sale this morning, but now my lil man and I are cuddled up, ready to sleep. And my brain just knows when it's 10pm, it's bedtime!
I've never been a morning person. Maybe you don't understand the extent of this statement. I repeat: I'VE NEVER BEEN A MORNING PERSON. Ask any of my dear friends, who amazingly still love me after they've been squeaked at, ignored, or even shot laser-death looks when they've tried to talk to me before 8am. Something in my brain just doesn't crawl out of bed until about an hour after my body has gotten the memo.
Sooo, I've always assumed I'm a night person. Right? You go to bed late, sleep late. Wrong.
It all started when I was offered the job of hosting the radio show...from SIX AM TO 9AM EVERY MORNING. My parents, friends, everyone asked the same questions: ' you have to actually talk on this show?' or 'did you tell em about your squeaky morning noises?' and even, 'ooh, we're going to call in and get you all riled up so we can hear the non-morning person wrath!'
I did it though. I managed to sound cheery (okay, coherent) every morning on-air (though some unfortunate passers by of the station window still may have gotten the laser-death stares). But, that meant my bed-time was 8:30!!! 8:30pm!
And now that I'm not getting up at 6am, my body still wants to be in bed by 9pm. Thus the transformation from night owl to...well...
Apparently, I'm neither and just like my sleep. :) It's 11:30pm now, and I think we've established that that is officially 'late.' Night night.
To my defense, I did get up at 5:30 for our yard sale this morning, but now my lil man and I are cuddled up, ready to sleep. And my brain just knows when it's 10pm, it's bedtime!
I've never been a morning person. Maybe you don't understand the extent of this statement. I repeat: I'VE NEVER BEEN A MORNING PERSON. Ask any of my dear friends, who amazingly still love me after they've been squeaked at, ignored, or even shot laser-death looks when they've tried to talk to me before 8am. Something in my brain just doesn't crawl out of bed until about an hour after my body has gotten the memo.
Sooo, I've always assumed I'm a night person. Right? You go to bed late, sleep late. Wrong.
It all started when I was offered the job of hosting the radio show...from SIX AM TO 9AM EVERY MORNING. My parents, friends, everyone asked the same questions: ' you have to actually talk on this show?' or 'did you tell em about your squeaky morning noises?' and even, 'ooh, we're going to call in and get you all riled up so we can hear the non-morning person wrath!'
I did it though. I managed to sound cheery (okay, coherent) every morning on-air (though some unfortunate passers by of the station window still may have gotten the laser-death stares). But, that meant my bed-time was 8:30!!! 8:30pm!
And now that I'm not getting up at 6am, my body still wants to be in bed by 9pm. Thus the transformation from night owl to...well...
Apparently, I'm neither and just like my sleep. :) It's 11:30pm now, and I think we've established that that is officially 'late.' Night night.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Southern Stupidity Solved
Do you ever do what you don't want to do? I know, I know, it sounds dumb. Umm, no, Lindsay, if I don't want to do it, then why would I? But, I don't think I'm the only one who struggles with this.
Usually it's doing something that we know isn't good for us in the long run, but would feel good in the moment. Or maybe it doesn't even make you feel that great, but it momentarily quenches your thirst for something bigger. Or it takes your mind off of something else. There are so many ways this applies. The obvious is food or smoking or alcohol. Now, sometimes, we overeat because Granny just made her (in)famous chocolate layer cake and it's soooo good we just can't stop at four pieces. But, usually, I think it boils down to something inside.
I've seen so many girls who long for that knight in shining armor to come and love them. They want that good guy, the smart one, the honorable one, the loyal one. But, until they find him, they try to satisfy themselves with bedding Mr. Right Now. (Sugarland, anyone?) It's not all that hard to understand, really. Women need to be validated, to feel like someone needs/wants them.
But, it usually doesn't take very long to realize that Mr. Right Now, or all that food or booze, didn't quench anything at all. It just made the thirst for something real even stronger.
When we think of Paul, who wrote Corinthians and Romans, we think of a man of God, right? I know I do. But he struggled with this very same thing:
Romans 7:15 says, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do." I mean, can I getta Amen?! So even if ya'll are perfect, Paul knows what I'm talking about!
Annd...the Bible doesn't leave us without the answer. What do you think about memorizing this verse with me, carrying it around in your mind and heart and throwing it out there when you're about to do something you don't want to do?? Here we go:
Romans 7:21 "So I find this law at work: When I want to do something good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23 but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the laws of my mind and making me a prisoner of the laws of sin at work within my members. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord!
I'm going to tattoo this verse on my brain, so I can say it - even shout it if I need to - the next time I go to do something I don't want to. No matter how many times I fail Him, He will not fail me (or you)!
Usually it's doing something that we know isn't good for us in the long run, but would feel good in the moment. Or maybe it doesn't even make you feel that great, but it momentarily quenches your thirst for something bigger. Or it takes your mind off of something else. There are so many ways this applies. The obvious is food or smoking or alcohol. Now, sometimes, we overeat because Granny just made her (in)famous chocolate layer cake and it's soooo good we just can't stop at four pieces. But, usually, I think it boils down to something inside.
I've seen so many girls who long for that knight in shining armor to come and love them. They want that good guy, the smart one, the honorable one, the loyal one. But, until they find him, they try to satisfy themselves with bedding Mr. Right Now. (Sugarland, anyone?) It's not all that hard to understand, really. Women need to be validated, to feel like someone needs/wants them.
But, it usually doesn't take very long to realize that Mr. Right Now, or all that food or booze, didn't quench anything at all. It just made the thirst for something real even stronger.
When we think of Paul, who wrote Corinthians and Romans, we think of a man of God, right? I know I do. But he struggled with this very same thing:
Romans 7:15 says, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do." I mean, can I getta Amen?! So even if ya'll are perfect, Paul knows what I'm talking about!
Annd...the Bible doesn't leave us without the answer. What do you think about memorizing this verse with me, carrying it around in your mind and heart and throwing it out there when you're about to do something you don't want to do?? Here we go:
Romans 7:21 "So I find this law at work: When I want to do something good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23 but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the laws of my mind and making me a prisoner of the laws of sin at work within my members. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord!
I'm going to tattoo this verse on my brain, so I can say it - even shout it if I need to - the next time I go to do something I don't want to. No matter how many times I fail Him, He will not fail me (or you)!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Southern Shopping
Hi my name is Lindsay and I'm a shopaholic. Okay, so maybe not as bad as that, but oh, how I have a hard time turning down a cute outfit! And who can resist when it's ON SALE?! I mean, it'd be bad not to buy it then, right? You're going to have to have new clothes eventually, so might as well go ahead and buy now, while there's a discount. See, I really save money by shopping! And this is how 'the voices' in my head make me shop. It's not even my fault, really. :)
And doesn't it always seem that when you have money to shop, there's nothing you like, but when you're broke you want the entire store?? I wonder if it's the psychology of it...there's something you kinda maybe could want, but when you know you shouldn't or can't have it, then you really, really want it! (Yes, it can work the same with chocolate and men, too.)
So this is the dilemma I'm in now, as I'm trying to save money. I tell myself, 'Okay, you can go into TJ Maxx and not buy anything. Not even one thing, because you're saving money for that trip and for the future. Self, whatever shirts, dresses, and pants you see will not be worth it.' Hmph, and then stubborn ole 'self' goes into TJ Maxx and just has to have at least two of the things she tries on. And I think I'm being good, because after all, I really wanted 4 things and only got two. Self-control, right?
Uh uh. I've realized that when I'm having a bad day, or a 'fat' day, that buying something that I feel pretty in cheers me up. Retail therapy. It ain't a joke. But, as I've learned to say 'no,' I've also realized that being proud of myself for putting it all (yes, even that dress that I really wanted) back also makes me feel good. can do it! You can save! But, only if you really need to. After all, a girl has to be clothed, right? ;)
And on that note...a new Fashion Shack just opened in Abbeville! Talk about shopping without the guilt! :)
And doesn't it always seem that when you have money to shop, there's nothing you like, but when you're broke you want the entire store?? I wonder if it's the psychology of it...there's something you kinda maybe could want, but when you know you shouldn't or can't have it, then you really, really want it! (Yes, it can work the same with chocolate and men, too.)
So this is the dilemma I'm in now, as I'm trying to save money. I tell myself, 'Okay, you can go into TJ Maxx and not buy anything. Not even one thing, because you're saving money for that trip and for the future. Self, whatever shirts, dresses, and pants you see will not be worth it.' Hmph, and then stubborn ole 'self' goes into TJ Maxx and just has to have at least two of the things she tries on. And I think I'm being good, because after all, I really wanted 4 things and only got two. Self-control, right?
Uh uh. I've realized that when I'm having a bad day, or a 'fat' day, that buying something that I feel pretty in cheers me up. Retail therapy. It ain't a joke. But, as I've learned to say 'no,' I've also realized that being proud of myself for putting it all (yes, even that dress that I really wanted) back also makes me feel good. can do it! You can save! But, only if you really need to. After all, a girl has to be clothed, right? ;)
And on that note...a new Fashion Shack just opened in Abbeville! Talk about shopping without the guilt! :)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Southern Seriousness
So I've been reading about the Matthew Shepard Act, the new Hate Crimes bill just passed by Congress. Very controversial. You may not agree with my thoughts on the matter and you know what? You can even say so! Our constitution allows you to voice your thoughts, even if they're different than those around you. Which is what scares me about this bill. I haven't read all of the bill, but I know that many members of congress are worried that this bill will serve as grounds to punish anyone who speaks out against homosexuality. That, plain and simple, is unconstitutional. It's like haulin someone off to jail because he or she preaches a religion other than Christianity. I'm a Christian and I wouldn't want that.
I do believe that someone who beats up a person because of their sexual preference, religious preference, or skin color deserves jail time.
As Christians we're told to love people. Even those who are different than we are. Even those who we disagree with. But love doesn't always mean agreeing with someone's choices, or making them feel good about something that may not be best for them, it means telling the truth, but in love, not malice. It means you can disagree with a person's lifestyle, but still love the person. So bottom line, I hope this bill will punish those who deserve it, like Matthew Shepard's killers, not those who exercise their 1st amendment rights.
I do believe that someone who beats up a person because of their sexual preference, religious preference, or skin color deserves jail time.
As Christians we're told to love people. Even those who are different than we are. Even those who we disagree with. But love doesn't always mean agreeing with someone's choices, or making them feel good about something that may not be best for them, it means telling the truth, but in love, not malice. It means you can disagree with a person's lifestyle, but still love the person. So bottom line, I hope this bill will punish those who deserve it, like Matthew Shepard's killers, not those who exercise their 1st amendment rights.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Suthuhn' Cuisine - Fried Cookie Dough?!
Ohhh yes! Don't knock it til you try it...or til you end up in the ER with a heart attack and dough-clogged arteries.
So the SC State Fair is in Columbia and I swear I've been dreaming of fried cookie dough balls (warm, chocolate chip dough on the inside, a little fried crunchy goodness on the outside), fried oreos, and fried snickers bars. But, new this year at the fair is chocolate fried bacon! Wha?! Now, I haven't tried that, and for once the idea of a chocolate creation doesn't have my taste buds droolin all over themselves. I'm hoping to pop by the fair this weekend (just for the chocolate, no gnawin on giant turkey legs for this girl) and am trying to decide, 'do I sample the chocolate fried bacon?!' I'll keep you posted.
At the aforementioned food, I know you're wondering why the South is overweight. And now that I can almost taste that cookie dough I'm off to eat my oatmeal like a good little dieter.
So the SC State Fair is in Columbia and I swear I've been dreaming of fried cookie dough balls (warm, chocolate chip dough on the inside, a little fried crunchy goodness on the outside), fried oreos, and fried snickers bars. But, new this year at the fair is chocolate fried bacon! Wha?! Now, I haven't tried that, and for once the idea of a chocolate creation doesn't have my taste buds droolin all over themselves. I'm hoping to pop by the fair this weekend (just for the chocolate, no gnawin on giant turkey legs for this girl) and am trying to decide, 'do I sample the chocolate fried bacon?!' I'll keep you posted.
At the aforementioned food, I know you're wondering why the South is overweight. And now that I can almost taste that cookie dough I'm off to eat my oatmeal like a good little dieter.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Southern Silliness
It just took me 1.5 hours to create this blog! Aren't I supposed to belong to the technology/computer generation?? Now that I've actually got this thing up and going (assuming I'll even be able to log back in) I don't have time to write because I'm off to cheerleading practice!
Wipe that worried look off your face. I won't be skirtin' around in my old high school uniform anytime soon, I'm helping to coach our local middle schoolers. Choreographing hip hop dances that my old squad mates would be proud of! On that note, I better skeedaddle. Go Wildcats!
Wipe that worried look off your face. I won't be skirtin' around in my old high school uniform anytime soon, I'm helping to coach our local middle schoolers. Choreographing hip hop dances that my old squad mates would be proud of! On that note, I better skeedaddle. Go Wildcats!
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