Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Goes Around Comes Around...Or Does it?

I'm listening to one of my current fav songs: Josh Hoge, 360. My bff Tori took me to see him when he was in Columbia a while back, and I fell in love with this song. He sings about being hurt by a girl but says that he's not worried about it because 'what goes around, comes around.' Karma. Such a popular word right now. It's something I never thought about until recently, but with so many people claiming karma all the time, I asked myself if it's something I believe in.

Nope. I kinda wish I did. It'd be nice to believe that when someone does you wrong, good ole karma would come around and whop em for you.

I do believe you reap what you sow. Sometimes that can look like karma. You make a foolish decision, you suffer consequences. You do something good, you feel great about it, or someone repays the favor. I know though, that Satan twists the truths of biblical principles just enough so that they're still believable, but still dangerous to those who live by them. I think this is the case with karma...may not be obviously 'dangerous,' but it is if it makes you forget about grace and mercy.

These are the two glorious reasons I don't believe in karma. Because THANK GOD we don't all get what we deserve, every time we deserve it! God grants us mercy, and with-holds some of the terrible consequences of things we get ourselves into. He mercifully let His only son die for the things that we would do wrong, so that He could forgive us.

And grace! It blows my mind that even when we are faithless to Him, he remains faithful. He shows us kindness and compassion when time and time again we turn from Him, ignore Him, disobey Him. Sometimes we get what we deserve, but very often, God gives us great things we will never deserve.

So Josh Hoge and I may not see eye to eye on the whole karma thing...but the boy sure can sing! Oh, and while we're on the topic of some great songs, ya'll listen to 'My Happiness,' by PowderFinger. It's an awesome song by an Australian band.

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