Friday, October 23, 2009

Southern Seriousness

So I've been reading about the Matthew Shepard Act, the new Hate Crimes bill just passed by Congress. Very controversial. You may not agree with my thoughts on the matter and you know what? You can even say so! Our constitution allows you to voice your thoughts, even if they're different than those around you. Which is what scares me about this bill. I haven't read all of the bill, but I know that many members of congress are worried that this bill will serve as grounds to punish anyone who speaks out against homosexuality. That, plain and simple, is unconstitutional. It's like haulin someone off to jail because he or she preaches a religion other than Christianity. I'm a Christian and I wouldn't want that.
I do believe that someone who beats up a person because of their sexual preference, religious preference, or skin color deserves jail time.
As Christians we're told to love people. Even those who are different than we are. Even those who we disagree with. But love doesn't always mean agreeing with someone's choices, or making them feel good about something that may not be best for them, it means telling the truth, but in love, not malice. It means you can disagree with a person's lifestyle, but still love the person. So bottom line, I hope this bill will punish those who deserve it, like Matthew Shepard's killers, not those who exercise their 1st amendment rights.

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