Monday, October 26, 2009

Southern Shopping

Hi my name is Lindsay and I'm a shopaholic. Okay, so maybe not as bad as that, but oh, how I have a hard time turning down a cute outfit! And who can resist when it's ON SALE?! I mean, it'd be bad not to buy it then, right? You're going to have to have new clothes eventually, so might as well go ahead and buy now, while there's a discount. See, I really save money by shopping! And this is how 'the voices' in my head make me shop. It's not even my fault, really. :)
And doesn't it always seem that when you have money to shop, there's nothing you like, but when you're broke you want the entire store?? I wonder if it's the psychology of it...there's something you kinda maybe could want, but when you know you shouldn't or can't have it, then you really, really want it! (Yes, it can work the same with chocolate and men, too.)
So this is the dilemma I'm in now, as I'm trying to save money. I tell myself, 'Okay, you can go into TJ Maxx and not buy anything. Not even one thing, because you're saving money for that trip and for the future. Self, whatever shirts, dresses, and pants you see will not be worth it.' Hmph, and then stubborn ole 'self' goes into TJ Maxx and just has to have at least two of the things she tries on. And I think I'm being good, because after all, I really wanted 4 things and only got two. Self-control, right?
Uh uh. I've realized that when I'm having a bad day, or a 'fat' day, that buying something that I feel pretty in cheers me up. Retail therapy. It ain't a joke. But, as I've learned to say 'no,' I've also realized that being proud of myself for putting it all (yes, even that dress that I really wanted) back also makes me feel good. can do it! You can save! But, only if you really need to. After all, a girl has to be clothed, right? ;)
And on that note...a new Fashion Shack just opened in Abbeville! Talk about shopping without the guilt! :)

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