Thursday, August 12, 2010


My Bible study ladies and I frequently talk about Israel and what the Word predicts about Israel and the 'end times.' I subscribe to OneNewsNow, a Christian news organization, and get emails about political goings ons in the world. I love this one particular reporter, an African American man by the name of Ben Kinchlow. He speaks TRUTH in a way that everyone can understand. What he has to say about the Obama administration and the US/Israel is scary:

"Washington has stepped up pressure on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to move forward with the resumption of direct talks after 18 months of stalemate. Observers say President Obama is in a full-court press for purely political reasons and desperately needs some kind of foreign policy success before the mid-term elections in November, where the Democrats could take a sound thrashing.

Kinchlow says one only need look at countries throughout history that have either divided the land of Israel or persecuted the Jewish people.

"And you will find all the way from Egypt to Rome and all the way down to the last great empire, which was the British Empire which divided the land of Israel -- every one of those empires have fallen on the ash heap of history," he states.

"And I am deeply concerned that if America pursues this anti-Israel policy demonstrated by a current president we might find ourselves equally on the ash heap of history."

It is imperative, says Kinchlow, that the Christian community get out and vote en mass for someone who understands the real significance of Israel in God's plan."

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