Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Heart of the Matter

Do you ever find that you've become cynical about people? That, instead of expecting the best in others, you expect them to let you down? I didn't realize how jaded my thinking had become until I met someone who surprised me - in a good way. This weekend my cousin, who I haven't seen in at least 15 years, stayed at our house. When we first picked him up from the military base, Ft. Gordon, he seemed like the average 21-year-old guy. Or, at least, the average s-l-o-w talllkkkkiiinnn Alabama country boy.

Of course, I asked him a million questions about life on the military base. And as I would cringe thinking being under the 24/7 control he and his bunk-mates are under, he only had a good attitude. He had joy no matter that he was painting barracks, running in the rain, or doing his yard duties. He kept saying that He felt like he was called to be an army chaplain and that if God wanted him there, he knew God would take care of him every minute. Still, this wasn't what got to me...

He wasn't preachy. He wasn't in your face. He was humble, he was straight up. He would answer questions by saying, 'God says...' but it wasn't pretentious or judgmental, it was real. Still, this wasn't what got to me...

If you know me well at all, you know that I ask lots of questions. My curiosity combined with the fact that I hadn't seen this cousin in more than a decade and the poor kid was probably wondering if I was going to ask how he brushes his teeth or something. Even though I know guys aren't always big on gushing about their love lives, I had to ask about his girlfriend.

Me: "So how'd you meet?"
Cousin: "I met her in school. She was friends with my ex-girlfriend."
Me: "Hmmm...interesting. Does your Mom like her?"
Cuz: "She doesn't really know her, but she worries a little about how I would take care of her in the future."
Me: " she high maintenance or something?"
Cousin: "No. She's in a wheel chair for life. She has spinal bifida."
Me: " that hard for you?"
Cousin: "Well, people wonder how we could have a future together, but I think I could take care of her, especially through the Army. And I don't really care about how she looks, the physical part. I care more about what kind of character she has, and if she's really living for God."
Me: That shut me up.

We were in the car on the way home from dinner, so I was quiet for awhile as I let that sink in. That God looks at the heart (Gal. 2:6,7)of a person was something I'd studied just this past week in my quiet times. I had been in prayer already this week, asking God to help me value hearts more than anything else. I'd been thinking that I was doing a good job of it...until this. Conviction hit me like a hammer. Would I be willing to overlook the physical that much? Would I follow God if that's where He led me? And that's what got to me. This sweet Alabama boy was simply being a disciple to the core. Valuing what God values.

In two weeks, my cousin (Derek McReynolds) is being deployed to Korea for a year. He's going with a great attitude, a willingness to serve, and a readiness to respond to God. I know he's appreciate it if you sent your prayers with him, too.

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