Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Martha vs Mary's Christmas! What a glorious time of the year! Seeing people you rarely get to see. Baking goodies for the neighbors (while making a T-total mess and eating a few too many yourself...or maybe that's just me?). Wrapping presents and making home-made bows. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! SHOPPING for gifts = my favorite thing to do! know there's got to be a but. But,in doing all of this, it's easy to get distracted. Of course from the real meaning of Christmas, which is the celebration that our one and only savior was born. But, we all know that. I'm talking about getting distracted from people.

I used to get a little mad at Jesus when I read Luke 10: 38 - 42. He and his disciples were passing through a town (probably with dirty, smelly feet) when a sweet, hospitable (probably Southern :) ) woman named Martha opened her home to them. Martha got busy cooking (probably choc chip cookies) and cleaning for them. Yet Jesus scolded her! This used to just get my goat. I mean, how ungrateful! Here's this stranger opening up her home to Jesus and his homeboys, cooking for them, and doing it all by herself! Martha's sister, Mary, isn't even helping! Mary's hanging out with the guys in the den, just chewin the fat! The nerve! And when Martha mentions this to Jesus, 'hello! tell my sister to get her behind in the kitchen and help me,' Jesus scolds her and says Mary has chosen what is best. Huh?! For years when I read this story, I thought, 'yeah, sure, until it's supper time and they're hungry!'

But it finally clicked. (Thanks God for your patience with this thick-headed daughter of yours.) It's all about the people. It's about relationships. The whole reason we were put on this earth is to fellowship with our Father. To serve Him and others, yes. But, if you have a house full of company over and you do nothing but cook/clean/prepare the whole time they're there...well, you're neglecting the reason they're there. To fellowship. Hang out! Shoot the breeze. Chew the fat.

What Martha was doing wasn't bad! She had a servant's heart, which can be great! But Jesus was trying to tell us that spending the time to actually get to know others is more important. Show people you care by putting them first. Get to know their hearts. Be there.

So, my goal this Christmas and from now on: be a Mary.

(And let someone else do the dishes.)

:) Relax, just kidding! But, seriously, they'll still be in the sink when the company leaves.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This one is for you, Anna Leigh!

So there's something I did this summer that I doubt I'll ever be able to forget...especially as I'm reminded of it constantly.

It all came flooding back when I came home from China, and was working at the high school. The principal kept introducing me as 'the girl who made Jennifer Anniston cry.' Every time he said it, I thought to myself, 'this man is losing his marbles! What on earth is he talking about?' And I wracked my brain to see if I'd somehow forgotten meeting one of the most beautiful women on the planet.

Then it clicked. He meant Jennifer Lopez.

And then it clicked again. A certain someone will pay for this! :) She had come home from China and told everybody about the joke I was FORCED to tell...on the microphone, at the very front of a packed tour bus, full of people chanting my name to tell this dern joke.

"So Brad Pitt, the Rock, and Jennifer Lopez were chatting at a table one day. Brad Pitt says, 'I'm definitely the best-looking man on the planet. No one can deny that!' Then the Rock says, 'Well, no one can contest that I'm the strongest, most muscular person on earth.' And Jennifer Lopez chimes in, 'Everyone knows I'm the most gorgeous woman alive!' So, to prove their points, they all go out into the world to make sure they're each the best. Brad Pitt comes back into the room smiling, waving, 'it's certain! I'M the best looking man on the planet!' Then the Rock comes in flexing his muscles and a big grin, 'No one is stronger than me! That's right, folks, I'm the strongest person on earth!' Then, Jennifer Lopez comes in. Tears streaming down her face, she bitterly shouts, 'WHO THE HECK IS LINDSAY TYNER?!'

So, yes, THIS is the joke I was forced to tell to a big group of people who now probably think I'm crazy. And now, everywhere I go, people are coming up to me and repeating it. Some don't even get it. (If you're one of those...shhh, no one has to know.) And a certain someone should be sleeping with one mascara'd eye open because she is still going to pay for this!